Are there any common triggers or situations that may exacerbate a student's stammer?

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Every child is different. Consequently, there is no one set of triggers that exacerbate stammering. However, we know from the young people we support that some situations and certain factors can be associated with stammering to a greater extent than others. For example:

  • Young people are talking in a fast paced environment
  • They are trying to take turns talking in a bigger group
  • They are being interrupted/ talked over
  • They are put on the spot with questions
  • There is a mismatch between the language level they are hearing and the language level they are able to understand and use themselves
  • How well the child copes with change
  • The level of awareness and concern they, and their family, have about the stammer
  • Expectations and standards set for themselves and others, as well as self-esteem levels and confidence
  • We also know that other physical factors such as tiredness, health and sleep patterns can impact on a stammer day-to-day

An assessment with a Speech and Language Therapist can offer further insight into the specific triggers and situations that may contribute towards a child’s stammer.

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