- Where can I access professional support for my child?
- Do parents cause stammering?
- My child has recently started to stammer. What can I do at home to support them?
- What causes stammering?
- Can psychological therapies help young people who stammer?
- What does therapy for stammering look like?
- Is stammering more common in children who speak more than one language?
- What can schools do to support my child?
- When should I seek help for my child's stammer?
- Will stammering limit my child's aspirations?
- How can stammering impact children and young people?
- Is there a relationship between stammering and other developmental conditions?
- Is there a link between stammering and other speech, language and communication difficulties?
- Does anxiety cause stammering?
- Is stammering associated with particular social and economic backgrounds?
- Will my child's stammer change over time? Why is their stammer different now they are a teenager?
- Is it typical for my child's stammer to vary day-to-day?
- Will my child always stammer? Why do some children stop stammering and others do not?
- When does stammering usually begin?
- Are there different 'types' of stammering? Does stammering affect everyone in the same way?
- What is stammering?
Parents & Caregivers
You can find answers to many of the questions we receive from parents and families in this section. We hope that having the information all in one place is helpful - whether your child has only recently started to stammer or you are looking for more information about stammering in older children. If you have another question, which is not included here, please do get in touch by clicking on the 'request form' at the top of the page and you will be directed through to one of our support agents who will do their best to provide the information you are looking for.